Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Seal Hunting

The places that people hunting for seal are by Cape Denbeigh, Besboro, Old Site, and along the ice or on it. When the students are in school, their dad or brother takes them on subsistence leave to go hunting.
The smell of the air it is fresh. The look of outside is beautiful, gorgeous, and magnificent while hunting it is cold when going fast as the motor can go. Once in a while the wind will be warm.
The first catch we get out of the animals we eat we give them to the elders because is an old tradition and they say that we will get good luck. Plus it is still a tradition today. The sealskin is used for mittens, gloves, slippers, and seal oil.
This is how to shoot a gun; first you have to load the right kind of bullets in the clip. Then you put the stock against your shoulder, than aim at the target and take it off safety and fire.

1 comment:

Shaktoolik writers said...

How do you use the sealskin for sealoil?