Tuesday, September 25, 2007

We went out boating

I have been to Cape Denbiegh to go on a picnic. My family and I would play games like tag or race. Melvin, my Auntie Doll, Uncle Jimmy, and I took a walk to find bones or stuff. we'd would go in the boat and go behind denbeigh to pick berries or find bones.

My Uncle Jimmy would always look for moose or bear. My Uncle said he saw a bull moose and two bears. So my papa went to go get his 30-06 rifle and me a 22 magnum. My papa said,"lets go sneak the moose,"so we did. My papa caught the moose so we went to get a long piece of wood to mark it so we don't loose it. We went back to the boat and got a knife.

Raymond, Melvin, Uncle Jimmy, Auntie Doll, my papa, and I went back to the camp and showed my Mom, Edward, Bub , Uncle Bill, and Auntie Shine.


1 comment:

Shaktoolik writers said...

You need to start with a capital in the sentence "we'd would go......" that sentence doesn't make sense. I mean like you need to take out "we'd" or "would"